A Boy Beneath the Moon |
月下少年図 |
2001 |
140x300 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
A Bud in My Heart of Hearts |
私の奥で芽吹くもの |
2007 |
210x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
A Carefree Metamorphosis |
気儘な編成 |
2008 |
210x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
A Dragon's Coffin I |
竜の柩一 |
2006 |
420x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
A Dragon's Coffin II |
竜の柩二 |
2006 |
420x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
A Dragon's Coffin III |
竜の柩三 |
2006 |
420x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
A Drop of Moonlight |
月の雫 |
2002 |
330x283 |
・Allure of Pharmakon ・Postcard Set 1 ・Postcard Set 2 |
A Skeleton's Dream I |
屍骨の夢 |
2007 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
A Skeleton's Dream II |
屍骨の夢II |
2007 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
A Spirit Viewing |
死霊が見ている |
2001 |
555x305 |
・Altar of Narcissus ・Postcard Set 2 |
Abyss of Worries |
憂悶の淵 |
2009 |
240x330 |
・Coffin of a Chimera |
After the Night Banquet |
夜宴のあと |
2006 |
210x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Afterglow of Narcissus |
ナルシス残照 |
1998 |
156x218 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
Afternoon Concert * |
午後の奏楽 |
1997 |
240x190 |
・Scarlet Maniera |
Afternoon Playroom |
午後の遊戯房 |
2003 |
210x300 |
・Allure of Pharmakon |
Agent Shiranui/Secrets of a Court Masseur |
不知火検校 |
2009 |
230x500 |
・Coffin of a Chimera |
Alice's Awakening |
アリスの覚醒 |
2012 |
280x395 |
・Nosferatu |
Alice's Choice |
アリスの選択 |
2008 |
300x300 |
・Coffin of a Chimera ・Il Calice Postcards ・Poster |
Alice's Door |
アリスの扉 |
2007 |
300x400 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite ・Clear File |
Alice's Emergence |
アリスの羽化 |
2013 |
300x400 |
・Nosferatu ・Yaso |
Alice's Mutation |
アリスの変容 |
2007 |
210x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Alice's Nightmare |
アリスの悪い夢 |
2008 |
300x300 |
・Coffin of a Chimera ・Il Calice Postcards ・Poster |
Alice's Secret Game II |
アリスの密やかな遊戯Ⅱ |
2017 |
210x300 |
・Nosferatu |
All About the Wintersweet |
唐梅のつばら |
2005 |
368x280 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Allure of the Lily * |
百合の誘惑 |
1997 |
280x420 |
・Scarlet Maniera |
Ambivalent Desire after Class |
放課後の曖昧な欲望 |
2003 |
232x250 |
・Allure of Pharmakon |
Androgynous |
アンドロギュノス |
2008 |
250x600 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Angel Funeral |
天使の埋葬 |
2004 |
210x300 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Another Eye |
アナザー・アイ |
2012 |
300x400 |
・Necrophantasmagoria |
Another Mutation |
2014 |
455x530 |
・Nosferatu |
Apparition II |
出現II |
2014 |
210x300 |
・Nosferatu ・T-shirt ・Sticker |
Apparition III |
出現Ⅲ |
2016 |
210x300 |
・Nosferatu |
Apparition IV |
出現IV |
2016 |
379x455 |
・Nosferatu |
Apparition IX |
出現IX |
2017 |
379x455 |
・Nosferatu |
Apparition V |
出現V |
2017 |
727x727 |
・Nosferatu |
Apparition VI |
出現VI |
2017 |
1000x1000 |
・Nosferatu |
Apparition VII |
出現VII |
2017 |
909x727 |
・Nosferatu |
Apparition VIII |
出現VIII |
2017 |
318x410 |
・Nosferatu |
Atypical Approach to a Mal-Distributed Repose |
偏在する安息領域への変則的アプローチ下絵 |
2016 |
300x400 |
・Nosferatu |
Awakening |
目覚め |
2006 |
210x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Bad Dream |
悪い夢 |
2002 |
400x250 |
・Allure of Pharmakon |
Bad Habit |
悪癖 |
2002 |
210x300 |
・Allure of Pharmakon |
Banquet under the Moon |
月下の晩餐 |
1999 |
303x210 |
・Altar of Narcissus ・Print |
Banquet Under the Moon II |
月下の晩餐II |
2017 |
400x300 |
・Nosferatu |
Beautiful Boys Club |
美童倶楽部 |
2001 |
210x300 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
Beautiful Heart Beat |
美しき鼓動の響き |
2003 |
250x350 |
・Allure of Pharmakon ・Postcard Set 1 |
Bewitching Flower Cut * |
妖花斬り |
1996 |
189x300 |
・Scarlet Maniera |
Bird - In the Deep of Night Tapping Steadily on My Window, a Long Awaited, Pure-Hearted Playfulness |
〈鳥〉 真夜中にこつこつと私の窓を叩くもの永く待ちこがれたきよらかな遊戯 |
2007 |
200x200 |
・Coffin of a Chimera |
Black Erosion * |
黒い侵蝕 |
1997 |
300x550 |
・Scarlet Maniera |
Black Moon |
黒い月 |
2006 |
270x360 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Black Will-o'-the-Wisp |
黒い鬼火 |
1999 |
195x270 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
Black-Gold Ring |
黒金の環 |
2000 |
210x300 |
・Altar of Narcissus ・Print |
Blessed Night |
祝福の夜 |
2006 |
180x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Blossom Hallucination |
幻花 |
2010 |
242x333 |
・Coffin of a Chimera |
Blue Illusion |
蒼い幻影 |
1999 |
220x400 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
Blue Ribbon |
青いリボン |
2007 |
210x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Bound Woman in a Snow Storm |
夢泡雪縄化粧 |
1999 |
234x234 |
・Altar of Narcissus ・Painting |
Bouquet |
ブーケ |
2011 |
210x300 |
・Necrophantasmagoria |
Boxed Fantasy |
箱詰めにされた幻影 |
2004 |
210x300 |
・Allure of Pharmakon ・Postcard Set 2 |
Boy Mourning His Own Death |
自らの死の郷愁に蝕なれる少年 |
2010 |
240x330 |
・Coffin of a Chimera |
Boy with Deer Antlers |
鹿角のある少年 |
2010 |
310x310 |
・Coffin of a Chimera |
Boy with Horns |
角のある少年 |
2010 |
300x300 |
・Coffin of a Chimera |
Boys Club |
少年倛楽部 |
2002 |
195x210 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
Breath |
休息 |
2003 |
100x300 |
・Allure of Pharmakon |
Bright Moon Night |
月のさやけき夜 |
2002 |
400x270 |
・Allure of Pharmakon ・Postcard Set 1 |
Broken Collection Box |
壊れた採集箱 |
2005 |
150x300 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Broken Nest Box |
こわれた巣箱 |
2007 |
210x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite ・Painting |
Budding on a Moonlit Night |
月夜に芽くもの |
2008 |
230x230 |
・Coffin of a Chimera |
Bug |
虫 |
2005 |
260x260 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Burial Games |
埋葬のごっこ |
2006 |
330x330 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Burial of a Scarlet Rose |
紅薔薇の埋葬 |
2007 |
210x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Calling - A Voice Calling from the Darkness |
コーリング・闇からの呼び声 |
2007 |
260x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite ・Painting |
Captured |
囚われて |
2006 |
210x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Captured and Fetterd |
囚繋 |
2004 |
400x280 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Caress |
愛撫 |
1995 |
220x203 |
・Scarlet Maniera |
Caress of a Dead Spirit |
死霊の愛撫 |
2003 |
230x230 |
・Allure of Pharmakon ・Postcard Set 2 |
Carmilla |
2017 |
379x455 |
・Nosferatu ・Print |
Chickens and a Maiden |
鶏と少女 |
2003 |
220x220 |
・Allure of Pharmakon |
Chimera II |
キマイラII |
2010 |
242x333 |
・Coffin of a Chimera |
Chimera Tombstone |
キマイラの墓標 |
2010 |
300x400 |
・Coffin of a Chimera ・Necrophantasmagoria ・Print ・Print Set |
Chimeras Squirming in a Void |
虚空で蠢くもの・キアイラ |
2006 |
727x606 |
・Coffin of a Chimera |
Circle |
環 |
2009 |
530x530 |
・Coffin of a Chimera ・Poster |
Coming from within Myself |
私の中から出てって |
1998 |
210x300 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
Completely Without Warning |
まったく唐突に |
2004 |
232x250 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Confession * |
打ち明け話 |
1997 |
210x300 |
・Scarlet Maniera |
Confusing and Drowning Flux of Blood |
惑い溺れしこの血潮 |
2008 |
200x400 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite ・Painting |
Confusing Entity |
惑わすもの |
2004 |
210x300 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Confusion of a Peeping Tom |
窃視者の戸或い |
2005 |
200x400 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Contemplation |
黙想 |
2012 |
210x300 |
・Nosferatu |
Conversion |
コンヴァージョン |
2012 |
330x330 |
・Necrophantasmagoria |
Corner Window |
隅の窓 |
2001 |
300x114 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
Counterfeit Bill of the 11th Year of the Meiji Period |
明治十一年の贋札 |
2001 |
170x260 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
Crab Punishment * |
蟹刑 |
1997 |
210x300 |
・Scarlet Maniera |
Cradle of Death |
死神の揺籃 |
2003 |
230x230 |
・Allure of Pharmakon |
Curtain of Night |
夜の帷 |
2003 |
150x300 |
・Allure of Pharmakon ・Print ・Print Set |
Daytime Darkness |
白昼の闇 |
2005 |
150x400 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Dead Lover |
亡者の恋 |
2002 |
180x300 |
・Allure of Pharmakon |
Death |
デス |
2010 |
200x400 |
・Necrophantasmagoria ・Print |
Death and a Maiden |
死と乙女 |
1996 |
210x300 |
・Scarlet Maniera |
Death and a Maiden |
死と少女 |
2003 |
170x300 |
・Allure of Pharmakon |
Death and a Maiden |
死と少女 |
2008 |
210x300 |
・Coffin of a Chimera |
Death and a Maiden IV |
2013 |
310x310 |
・Nosferatu |
Deep Night Serenade |
闇夜のセレナアデ |
2005 |
250x176 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Deviated Pleasure Horn |
逸脱した快楽の角 |
2006 |
420x297 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Devil's Tongue |
悪魔の舌 |
2002 |
177x270 |
・Allure of Pharmakon |
Difficult to Interpret Dream |
解きがたい夢 |
2004 |
232x250 |
・Allure of Pharmakon |
Distant Window |
遠い窓 |
1998 |
500x800 |
・Altar of Narcissus ・Postcard Set 2 |
Doll's Mound |
人形塚 |
2004 |
340x230 |
・Allure of Pharmakon |
Door to Perpetual Recurrence |
永劫回掃の扉 |
2008 |
210x300 |
・Coffin of a Chimera |
ドウズィング・グリン |
2007 |
547x355 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Dragon's Eye |
龍の眼 |
2011 |
210x300 |
・Necrophantasmagoria |
Dream of a Poison Moth |
毒蛾の夢 |
2004 |
500x300 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Dreams of the 13 Nights |
夢十三夜 |
1999 |
210x300 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
Dressed in Splendor |
崇高さを身にまとって |
2008 |
210x300 |
・Coffin of a Chimera |
During the Night |
夜のうちに |
2006 |
180x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Ecstasy of Linked Circles |
法悦の円環 |
2005 |
426x280 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Egg |
卵 |
2006 |
210x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Egg Ritual * |
玉子の儀式 |
1996 |
210x300 |
・Scarlet Maniera |
End of Crazy Love |
狂恋の果て |
2005 |
210x300 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Evening Primrose |
夕化粧 |
1997 |
420x529 |
・Poster ・Necrophantasmagoria ・Scarlet Maniera |
Evil Spirit Metamorphosing and Proliferating |
肉質化し増殖する悪霊 |
2004 |
500x300 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr ・Poster |
Eyeball Bug |
眼球虫 |
2005 |
400x170 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr ・Print ・Print Set |
Eyeball Bug and a Maiden II |
眼球虫と少女II |
2015 |
318x410 |
・Nosferatu |
Eyeball Bug and Roses II |
2014 |
210x300 |
・Nosferatu ・Poster |
Fairy in a Cage |
檻の中の妖精 |
1998 |
210x300 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
Fall in Love |
恋にがれて |
1997 |
300x300 |
・Scarlet Maniera |
Fermentation |
醸酒 |
2015 |
210x300 |
・Nosferatu |
Fermentation of a Hermaphrodite |
ヘルマフロディトゥスの醸成 |
2008 |
280x400 |
・Necrophantasmagoria ・Print ・Print Set ・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Flesh-Colored Wraith |
肉色の精霊 |
2003 |
180x250 |
・Allure of Pharmakon |
Flower - In a Corner of a Gloomy Garden, in Simple Silence, Sinking Down, a Gentle Pleasure, Where Flowers Abide |
〈花〉 仄暗い庭の片隅でただ静かに沈みやくやさしい歓楽と花を住処として |
2007 |
200x200 |
・Coffin of a Chimera |
Foot Mistake |
足の過ち |
2004 |
199x273 |
・Allure of Pharmakon |
For Secret Joy |
秘められた歓喜のために |
2006 |
200x400 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Forbidden Pleasure |
忌わしい歓楽 |
2006 |
210x300 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Forever * |
永遠 |
1997 |
170x300 |
・Scarlet Maniera |
Fresh Alteration |
清らかな夌容 |
2005 |
230x230 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Frog |
蛙 |
2006 |
230x230 |
・Coffin of a Chimera |
Garden of the Lovely Moon |
麗月苑 |
1999 |
210x300 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
Garden on a Dark Night |
闇夜の庭で |
2003 |
230x230 |
・Allure of Pharmakon |
Ghost |
幽けさもの |
2005 |
210x300 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Ghost Diagram |
幽霊図 |
2006 |
200x400 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Ghost of Blackout |
ブラックアウトの亡霊 |
2003 |
160x240 |
・Allure of Pharmakon |
Ghost of Changing Lust |
変貌する性的欲望の亡霊 |
2003 |
180x250 |
・Allure of Pharmakon |
Ghost's Sigh * |
死霊の吐息 |
1997 |
300x300 |
・Scarlet Maniera |
Gift |
2017 |
300x300 |
・Nosferatu |
Gift of the Moon |
月の賜物 |
2005 |
300x300 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Girl at a Window |
窓辺の少女 |
2004 |
130x210 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Girl in an Abandoned Shack |
廃屋の少女 |
2006 |
210x300 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Girls for a Sexual Boy |
性的少年のための少女たら |
1998 |
450x300 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
Giving in to an Invitation |
誘われるままに |
2003 |
220x220 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Giving in to Temptation |
誘われるままに |
2006 |
150x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Goat Garden |
山羊の庭 |
2001 |
140x300 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
Golden Breath |
金の息吹 |
2008 |
400x280 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Goldfish |
金魚 |
1997 |
240x190 |
・Scarlet Maniera |
Gone Pale |
蒼色ざめて |
2004 |
232x250 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Greedy Momotaro |
欲張り桃太郎 |
1998 |
196x300 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
Grotesque |
グロテスク |
2005 |
250x400 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Hallutination |
2012 |
170x250 |
・Nosferatu |
Hatching |
孵化 |
2003 |
250x350 |
・Allure of Pharmakon ・Postcard Set 1 |
Head Cushion |
首ざぶとん |
2010 |
210x300 |
・Necrophantasmagoria |
Head of a Clown |
道化の首 |
2005 |
210x300 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Head of a Martyr |
殉教者の首 |
2005 |
426x280 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Head of Ranmaru |
蘭丸の首 |
2010 |
242x333 |
・Coffin of a Chimera |
Head of Strigoica |
2013 |
280x280 |
・Nosferatu |
Head of Strigoii |
2013 |
242x333 |
・Nosferatu |
Heart of a Chimera |
キマイラの心臓 |
2010 |
210x300 |
・Necrophantasmagoria |
Hiding Place * |
隠れ家 |
1997 |
240x280 |
・Scarlet Maniera |
Honey Shrine * |
蜜宮 |
1996 |
480x94 |
・Scarlet Maniera |
Horn of a Master of Curses |
呪い師の角 |
2006 |
210x410 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite ・Poster |
Hostile Forces |
敵対するカ |
2002 |
440x500 |
・Allure of Pharmakon |
If the Moon Shines |
月照れば |
2001 |
210x300 |
・Altar of Narcissus ・Print |
In the Early Afternoon |
昼下り |
2014 |
400x200 |
・Nosferatu |
In the Mist |
霞の中 |
2006 |
180x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
In the Playroom |
遊戯房にて |
2003 |
210x300 |
・Allure of Pharmakon |
In the Walnut |
胡桃の中 |
2017 |
379x455 |
・Nosferatu |
Incense for Strange Dream |
妖夢香 |
1996 |
210x300 |
・Scarlet Maniera |
Indestructible Night |
不滅の夜 |
2006 |
500x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Inebriated by Silence |
静寂に酔いしれて |
2006 |
500x250 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Innocence |
2010 |
150x300 |
・Coffin of a Chimera |
Insect's Dream |
虫の夢 |
2004 |
196x273 |
・Allure of Pharmakon |
Invasion of the Wanton |
淫魔襲釆 |
1998 |
800x500 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
J'ai Baisé Ta Bouche Jokanaan |
あまえに接吻するよ、ヨカナーン |
2005 |
195x300 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Joy of Inflection |
変曲点上の愉悦 |
2010 |
455x530 |
・Coffin of a Chimera ・Print ・Print Set |
Just before Collapse |
崩れゆく前に |
2006 |
300x210 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Lady Gion |
祇怨 |
2009 |
210x300 |
・Coffin of a Chimera |
Lascivious Tongued Demon |
淫舌鬼 |
2001 |
280x280 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
Lenore |
Lenore |
1996 |
480x94 |
・Scarlet Maniera |
Leo Stenbuck |
里奧史提巴克 |
2002 |
257x364 |
・Allure of Pharmakon |
Lie of the Moon |
月の虚言 |
1999 |
230x400 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
Like a Curtain of Ashes |
灰の帷のように |
2007 |
500x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite ・Poster |
Lingering Pleasure * |
悦楽の余韻 |
1996 |
270x300 |
・Scarlet Maniera |
Long Afternoon * |
長い午後 |
1997 |
210x300 |
・Scarlet Maniera |
Lovable Object |
愛でたきもの |
2006 |
200x400 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Loved by the Death God |
死神に愛されて |
2005 |
210x300 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Lucy's Head |
2013 |
455x530 |
・Nosferatu ・Yaso |
Lucy's Mutation |
2014 |
727x907 |
・Nosferatu |
Makai-Tenshou (Samurai Reincarnation) |
魔界転生 |
2011 |
280x400 |
・Necrophantasmagoria |
Makeup of Darkness |
闇化粧 |
2002 |
450x255 |
・Allure of Pharmakon ・Print ・Print Set |
Manifestation |
顕現 |
2006 |
210x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Meal Time |
食事の時間 |
1996 |
120x300 |
・Scarlet Maniera |
Melancholia |
メランコリア |
1997 |
240x190 |
・Scarlet Maniera |
Melancholia |
メランコリア |
2004 |
232x250 |
・Allure of Pharmakon |
Melancholia |
メランコリア |
2007 |
210x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite ・Painting |
メメント・モリ I |
2006 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
メメント・モリ II |
2006 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Memory Fragment Lost on a Border |
境界線上の欠落した記憶 |
1998 |
210x300 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
Metamorphosis of Love |
慈愛の変容 |
1998 |
500x800 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
Mirror Game |
鏡あそび |
2009 |
272x196 |
・Coffin of a Chimera ・Painting |
Mirror of a Hermaphrodite |
ヘルマフロヂトゥスの鏡 |
2008 |
300x300 |
・Coffin of a Chimera |
Moon - Drunken by Moonlight, Melancholic, Sinking into the Bottom of a Mirror, a Honey-Colored Poisonous Insect |
〈月〉 月光に酔い痴れもの憂けに鏡の底に次み込む密色の毒虫 |
2010 |
200x200 |
・Coffin of a Chimera ・Painting |
Night Ditch |
夜の淵 |
2002 |
420x300 |
・Allure of Pharmakon ・Postcard Set 1 |
Night Mirror |
夜鏡 |
2007 |
310x310 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite ・Print ・Print Set |
Night Mirror (2) |
夜鏡(二) |
2009 |
230x500 |
・Coffin of a Chimera |
Night Mirror (3) |
夜鏡(三) |
2009 |
455x333 |
・Coffin of a Chimera |
Night of Eve's Death |
イヴの死んだ夜 |
2005 |
190x270 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Night of the Scarlet Moon |
紅月夜 |
1999 |
188x270 |
・Altar of Narcissus ・Postcard Set 2 ・Painting |
Night Reverie |
夜想 |
2004 |
210x300 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr ・Clear File |
Night Sacrifice |
夜牲 |
2001 |
280x280 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
Nightingale and Rose Blossoms |
ナイチンゲールと薔薇の花 |
2004 |
210x300 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Noble Prisoner * |
貴囚 |
1997 |
270x400 |
・Scarlet Maniera |
Nosferatu - Attachment |
ノスフェラトゥ‐執着 |
2018 |
300x400 |
・Nosferatu ・Clear File |
Nosferatu - Gazing into Empty Space |
ノスフェラトゥ‐虚空を見つめるもの |
2018 |
498x250 |
・Nosferatu ・Fan |
Nosferatu - Illusion |
ノスフェラトゥ‐惑い |
2018 |
400x300 |
・Nosferatu |
Nosferatu - Joy |
ノスフェラトゥ‐歓喜 |
2018 |
210x300 |
・Nosferatu ・Clear File |
Nosferatu - Love |
ノスフェラトゥ‐愛 |
2018 |
300x400 |
・Nosferatu ・Clear File |
Nosferatu - Red Sheets |
2018 |
200x400 |
・Nosferatu ・Clear File ・Button ・T-shirt |
Nosferatu - Trap |
ノスフェラトゥ‐罠 |
2018 |
300x400 |
・Nosferatu |
Obscene Ball * |
淫玉 |
1996 |
480x94 |
・Scarlet Maniera |
Odd Eye |
オッド・アイ |
2012 |
318x410 |
・Necrophantasmagoria |
Omen of Awakening |
覚醒の兆し |
2011 |
455x530 |
・Necrophantasmagoria |
Ominous Prophet |
不吉な預言者 |
2005 |
210x300 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
On the Shore |
2013 |
420x300 |
・Nosferatu |
One Voice |
ひとつの声 |
2001 |
195x270 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
Order of Thing |
ことの次第 |
1998 |
400x280 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
Organic Elasticity |
有機的な弾性 |
2008 |
240x330 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Painting of Bathing |
水伐図 |
2002 |
280x400 |
・Allure of Pharmakon ・Postcard Set 1 |
Painting of Momotaro Conquering Demon Island |
桃太郎鬼ケ島討伐図 |
2003 |
370x270 |
・Allure of Pharmakon |
Paradise Dissection |
楽園の解体 |
2008 |
300x400 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Paradise Manor Mystery * |
天国荘奇譚 |
1996 |
235x340 |
・Scarlet Maniera |
Parfait |
2017 |
210x300 |
・Nosferatu |
Pass on By |
とおりゃんせ |
2009 |
310x310 |
・Coffin of a Chimera |
Phantom Blue |
2009 |
210x300 |
・Coffin of a Chimera |
Phantom in the Window |
2016 |
606x909 |
・Nosferatu |
Pillow |
枕 |
2010 |
199x272 |
・Coffin of a Chimera ・Painting |
Play Is Over Chamber * |
遊蕆房 |
1995 |
150x300 |
・Scarlet Maniera |
Practical Joke |
悪ふざけ |
2005 |
210x300 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Prank |
悪戯 |
2002 |
210x300 |
・Allure of Pharmakon |
Premonition of a Metamorphosis |
再生の予兆 |
2008 |
300x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Provocation |
プロヴォケーション |
2012 |
170x250 |
・Necrophantasmagoria |
Psychedelic Vision of Mount Fuji |
富士幻眺 |
1999 |
155x270 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
Puberty |
思春期 |
2010 |
280x400 |
・Coffin of a Chimera ・Print ・Print Set |
Pulsation / Crucifixion |
脈拍 |
2017 |
300x300 |
・Nosferatu |
Pulse |
鼓動 |
2009 |
300x300 |
・Coffin of a Chimera |
Punishment Game |
罰遊び |
2003 |
230x230 |
・Allure of Pharmakon |
Pure Desire |
清らかな欲望 |
2006 |
180x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Quickening Chimera |
キマイラの胎動 |
2010 |
280x400 |
・Coffin of a Chimera ・Painting |
Quivering |
ゆらぎ |
2010 |
280x400 |
・Necrophantasmagoria |
Raiden |
2002 |
257x364 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
Raiden |
雷電 |
2002 |
257x364 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
Red Circle |
赤い輪 |
2006 |
210x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Red Moon * |
赤い月 |
1997 |
210x300 |
・Scarlet Maniera |
Repatriated |
帰還 |
2002 |
220x575 |
・Allure of Pharmakon |
Resurrection |
薔薇の復活 |
2011 |
606x910 |
・Necrophantasmagoria |
Rose |
薔薇 |
1996 |
220x309 |
・Scarlet Maniera |
Roses and Black Boots |
薔薇と黒ブーツ |
2004 |
232x250 |
・Allure of Pharmakon |
Sacred Circulation |
2015 |
1000x1000 |
・Nosferatu |
Sacred Emergence |
神聖羽化 |
2013 |
727x1000 |
・Nosferatu |
Sacred Metamorphosis |
神聖変異 |
2009 |
210x300 |
・Coffin of a Chimera |
Sacred Mutant Birth |
聖域の生成変化 |
2008 |
300x400 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Sacred Mutation |
神聖変異 |
2010 |
454x530 |
・Necrophantasmagoria |
Sacred Triangle |
2013 |
1000x1000 |
・Nosferatu ・Notebook |
Saint Alice |
聖アリス |
2010 |
210x300 |
・Coffin of a Chimera |
Saint Sebastian |
聖セバスチャン |
2005 |
426x280 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr ・Necrophantasmagoria ・Print ・Print Set |
Salome |
撒羅米 |
2005 |
210x300 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Scarlet Aphrodisiac |
緋色の媚薬 |
1999 |
105x270 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
Scene from the Shimabara Rebellion, Amakura Shiro Tokisada |
天草四郎時貞、島原之乱合戦之図 |
2004 |
720x340 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Secret Matter |
隠し事 |
2004 |
400x280 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Secret Metamorphosis |
密やかな転生 |
2006 |
200x400 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Secret Room |
秘密の小部屋 |
2003 |
250x250 |
・Allure of Pharmakon |
Secret Traces of Night |
夜の秘蹟 |
2005 |
210x300 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr ・Print ・Print Set |
Sentimental Toybox |
感情的な玩具箱 |
2004 |
210x300 |
・Allure of Pharmakon ・Print ・Print Set ・Postcard Set 2 |
Servant of the Night |
夜のめしうど |
2004 |
500x300 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr ・Print |
Seven Person Hide-and-Seek |
七人の鬼ごっこ |
2011 |
210x300 |
・Necrophantasmagoria |
Sham Rose |
薔薇のまやかし |
2004 |
232x250 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Shimmering Sky |
天の陽炎 |
2007 |
210x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Shot through by Moonlight |
月光に射られて |
2006 |
540x330 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Shrine of the Ghostly Demon |
幽鬼の宮 |
2001 |
392x220 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
Skull |
頭骸骨 |
2007 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Skull Ball |
髑髏鞠 |
2001 |
285x285 |
・Altar of Narcissus ・Postcard Set 2 |
Sleeping Prince of the Forest |
眠れる森の王子 |
1998 |
305x210 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
Slumber * |
微睡 |
1997 |
800x500 |
・Scarlet Maniera |
Small Celebration |
ちちやかな祝祭 |
2003 |
210x300 |
・Allure of Pharmakon |
Snail |
蝸牛 |
2001 |
210x300 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
Snail's Temptation |
蝸牛の誘惑 |
2018 |
455x379 |
・Nosferatu |
Sneering at Vanity I |
虚栄を嘲笑うものI |
2009 |
250x300 |
・Coffin of a Chimera ・Painting |
Sneering at Vanity II |
虚栄を嘲笑うものII |
2009 |
180x260 |
・Coffin of a Chimera |
Something Flashing in the Dark |
闇で蠢くもの |
2004 |
230x230 |
・Allure of Pharmakon |
Something Overflowing |
溢れてくるもの |
2004 |
210x300 |
・Allure of Pharmakon |
Something that Controls with Roses and Horns |
薔薇と角で支配するもの |
2010 |
250x400 |
・Necrophantasmagoria |
Special Circumstances |
わけわり |
2010 |
210x300 |
・Coffin of a Chimera |
Specter of a Girl Met Before Dawn |
夜明け前に出会つた少女の幻影 |
2014 |
250x250 |
・Nosferatu |
Sphinx |
スフィンクス |
2004 |
210x300 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Spirit of a Dragon |
鱗虫の精 |
2006 |
200x400 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite ・Print ・Print Set |
Spring Day * |
春昼 |
1996 |
220x309 |
・Scarlet Maniera |
Spring Night |
春宵 |
2003 |
190x250 |
・Allure of Pharmakon |
Spring's Lament * |
春愁 |
1997 |
210x300 |
・Scarlet Maniera |
Strange Destiny |
奇しき運命 |
2002 |
180x255 |
・Allure of Pharmakon |
Strange Still Life |
奇妙な静物 |
2004 |
300x500 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Strange Tale of Edo |
江戸の怪奇譚 |
2005 |
270x270 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Strigoica II |
2010 |
210x300 |
・Coffin of a Chimera ・Painting |
Strigoica III |
ストリゴイカIII |
2011 |
330x330 |
・Necrophantasmagoria ・Poster ・Print |
Swamp Demon * |
魔沼 |
1996 |
480x94 |
・Scarlet Maniera |
Sweet Deceit Delusion * |
甘い欺惑 |
1996 |
210x300 |
・Scarlet Maniera |
Sweet Metamorphosis |
甘やかな転身 |
2006 |
230x230 |
・Coffin of a Chimera |
Sweet Murder |
密殺 |
1997 |
300x550 |
・Altar of Narcissus ・Postcard Set 2 |
Sweet Time |
甘やかな時間 |
2005 |
210x300 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr ・Clear File |
Sweet Wind * |
甘風 |
1997 |
240x190 |
・Scarlet Maniera |
SYU-RA 煉 |
2006 |
280x400 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Tale of an Embryo |
エムブリヲ奇譚 |
2012 |
440x300 |
・Necrophantasmagoria |
Taro of Urashima |
浦島太郎 |
2000 |
184x250 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
Temptation III |
誘惑III |
2015 |
210x300 |
・Nosferatu |
That Wave Is So Deep |
その浪はありに深く |
2001 |
220x575 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
The Annunciation |
聖告 |
1998 |
280x400 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
The Beyond |
彼方 |
2001 |
435x507 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
The Devil's Flute |
悪魔が来りて笛を吹く |
2010 |
280x400 |
・Coffin of a Chimera |
The Emblem of Cthulu |
エムブレム・クトゥルー |
2011 |
280x400 |
・Necrophantasmagoria ・Print |
The Emblem of Death I |
2016 |
300x300 |
・Nosferatu |
The Emblem of Eternity I |
永遠の紋章I |
2010 |
210x300 |
・Necrophantasmagoria |
The Emblem of Eternity II |
永遠の紋章II |
2012 |
727x910 |
・Necrophantasmagoria |
The Ghost in Room 903 |
903号室の怪 |
2007 |
210x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
The Magus |
魔術師 |
2004 |
190x280 |
・Allure of Pharmakon ・Necrophantasmagoria ・Print |
The Oblivion |
忘却 |
1996 |
480x94 |
・Scarlet Maniera |
The Sacred Girl's House * |
聖少女館 |
1997 |
183x250 |
・Scarlet Maniera |
The Schizo |
狂女 |
1996 |
480x94 |
・Scarlet Maniera |
The Thirteenth Rose |
十三番目の薔薇 |
2008 |
250x180 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
The Toilette of Lampito |
ランピトーの化粧 |
2000 |
175x128 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
The Toilette of Salome |
サロメの化粧 |
2000 |
147x175 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
The Unwithering |
朽らざるもの |
2001 |
140x190 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
The Window of a Deserted House |
廃屋の窓 |
2010 |
280x400 |
・Coffin of a Chimera |
The World as a Labyrinth |
迷宮としての世界 |
1999 |
230x300 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
There's Nothing Else to Listen to Than the Night * |
夜より他に聴くものもなし |
1996 |
235x340 |
・Scarlet Maniera |
Thoughts of Spring |
想春 |
2003 |
210x300 |
・Allure of Pharmakon ・Postcard Set 1 |
Time of Magic * |
魔の刻 |
1996 |
400x270 |
・Scarlet Maniera |
Touch of Magic |
魔触 |
2006 |
210x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Touch of Magic II |
魔触II |
2016 |
318x410 |
・Nosferatu |
Twin Roses |
双児の薔薇 |
2009 |
530x530 |
・Coffin of a Chimera ・Print ・Print Set |
Twin Skulls |
ツイン・スカルズ |
2012 |
195x306 |
・Necrophantasmagoria |
Unexpected Gift |
思いがけない贈物 |
2005 |
210x300 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Until the Moon Sets |
月の沈むまで |
2001 |
555x305 |
・Altar of Narcissus ・Necrophantasmagoria ・Print ・Poster ・Print |
Upper Region |
2010 |
636x190 |
・Coffin of a Chimera |
Utsutsu - A Real Vampire's Head |
現・吸血鬼の首 |
2007 |
300x500 |
・Coffin of a Chimera ・Painting |
Vampire |
吸血鬼 |
2006 |
210x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite ・Nosferatu ・Print ・Print Set |
Vampire - Awakening I |
吸血鬼 - 覚醒I |
2007 |
180x250 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Vampire - Awakening II |
吸血鬼 - 覚醒II |
2007 |
280x400 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Vampire - Banquet |
吸血鬼(宴) |
2007 |
180x250 |
・Coffin of a Chimera |
Vampire - Clown |
吸血鬼 - 道化 |
2007 |
250x400 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Vampire - Collapse |
吸血鬼 - 崩壊 |
2007 |
180x250 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite ・Painting |
Vampire - Levitation |
吸血鬼 - 浮遊 |
2008 |
200x400 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Vampire - Melancholy |
吸血鬼 - 悲愁 |
2007 |
210x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Vampire - Memory |
吸血鬼 - 追憶 |
2007 |
180x250 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite ・Painting |
Vampire - Metamorphosis I |
吸血鬼 - 変容I |
2007 |
180x250 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite ・Painting |
Vampire - Metamorphosis II |
吸血鬼 - 変容II |
2007 |
280x400 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite ・Painting |
Vampire - Silence |
吸血鬼(静寂) |
2007 |
180x250 |
・Coffin of a Chimera ・Painting |
Vampire - Spellbound |
吸血鬼 - 呪縛 |
2007 |
280x400 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Vampire - Temptation |
吸血鬼 - 誘惑 |
2007 |
250x400 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite ・Painting |
Vampire - Visitor |
吸血鬼(来訪者) |
2007 |
180x250 |
・Coffin of a Chimera |
Vampire Fairy Demon |
吸血妖鬼 |
2008 |
210x300 |
・Coffin of a Chimera ・Nosferatu ・Clear File |
Vampire's Head II |
2015 |
300x400 |
・Nosferatu |
Vampire's Head III |
2015 |
210x300 |
・Nosferatu |
Vampire's Promise |
吸血鬼‐約束‐ |
2015 |
400x300 |
・Nosferatu |
Vanilla |
ヴアニラ |
2002 |
330x283 |
・Allure of Pharmakon |
Vanitas |
2000 |
250x250 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
Visage under the Moon |
月下の俤 |
1999 |
357x234 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
Vision of a Heretic |
異端者の夢想 |
1999 |
210x300 |
・Altar of Narcissus |
Warring Land Holocaust |
戦国ホロコースト |
2009 |
210x300 |
・Coffin of a Chimera ・Painting |
What Lies Deep Inside the Eye |
瞳の奥にあるもの |
2005 |
180x350 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
While I Still Can't Sleep |
眠らないうちに |
2003 |
170x300 |
・Allure of Pharmakon |
Whisperer in the Dark |
闇で囁くもの |
2003 |
232x250 |
・Allure of Pharmakon |
Whose Twill? |
誰のための綾織 |
2005 |
210x300 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Wind - Dream of a Skeleton, Fanned by the Winds of Hell, Wandering Aimlessly, into the Eternal Abyss |
〈風〉 屍の夢奈落の風に煽られて惑い流され久遠の淵へ |
2010 |
200x200 |
・Coffin of a Chimera |
Window |
窓 |
2002 |
270x400 |
・Allure of Pharmakon |
Window of a Hideaway |
隠し部屋の窓 |
2004 |
232x250 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
Windup Girl Dolls in a Box |
ぜんまい少女箱人形 |
2004 |
408x200 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |
With Hesitation |
ためらいなから |
2003 |
410x250 |
・Allure of Pharmakon ・Print ・Print Set |
Yearning for the Moon |
月を慕いて |
2005 |
400x270 |
・Divertimento for a Martyr |