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Seiichi Hayashi CV

1945March 7 - Born in Manchuria (now Northeast China).
1962Worked at Toei as an animator.
Involved in "Wolf Boy Ken" 「狼少年ケン」, "The Adentures of Horus" 「ホルスの大冒険等」, etc.
1965Joined NAC Production Company.
In charge of the NTV "Great World Tour" 「すばらしい世界旅行」 animation department.
1967Worked for comic magazine Garo 「ガロ」.
"Aguma, his son, and the uneaten spirit" 「アグマと息子の食えない魂」 (Aguma to musuko no kuenai tamashii) was released. (November 1967 #39)
1968"Oh, Towards Daybreak" 「おお、暁の光に」 (February 1968, #42), "My Mother" 「吾が母は」 (April 1968, #44), "Gigantic Fish" 「巨大な魚」 (May 1968, #45), "Red Dragonfly" 「赤とんぼ」 (June 1968, #46), "Mountain Witch Lullaby" 「山姥子守歌」 (September 1968, #50), "Scattered Rose Town" 「花散る町」 (October 1968, #52), Rose Crest 「花の紋章」 (November 1968, #53), "Rose Crest, Continued" 「花の紋章」 (December 1968, #54) published by Garo 「ガロ」.
"Shadows" 「かげ」 animation produced for Sougetsu Art Center 「草月」 experimental film festival.
19691969 "Shadows" 「かげ」 animation exhibition at an experimental film festival in Germany.
"Rose Crest, Final" 「花の紋章」 (January 1969, #55), "To Sing One's Own Praises" 「みずからの歌を唄って」 (February 1969, #56), "Flower Poem" 「花の詩」 (February 1969, #56), "Flower Poem" 「花の詩」 (March 1969, #57), "Flower Poem" 「花の詩」 (April 1969, #58), "Flower Poem" 「花の詩」 (May 1969, #60), "Deep Red Rock" 「まっかっかロック」 (July 1969, #62), "Red Background" 「赤地点」 (August 1969, #64), "Red Bird, Little Bird" 「赤い鳥小鳥」 (September 1969, #65), "Red Handkerchief" 「赤いハンカチ」 (November 1969, #67).
1970"Works Hazime Shizu Hayashi," published by (青林堂).
Illustrations "criminals red flower" 「紅犯花」 published by (幻燈社)
"Red Colored Elegy" published by Garo 「ガロ」.
Morio Agata (Japanese folk musician) wrote a song inspired by and named "Red Colored Elegy"
"Murder on October 13" 「10月13日の殺人」 animation produced for Sougetsu Art Center 「草月」 experimental film festival.
1971Poetry Art Book 1971 "ephemeral dream," published by the Company燈者vision.
"Demon Love Song" 「鬼恋歌」 animation produced and exhibited at Tokyo Animation Festival.
"Downpour" 「ふりしきる」"Cherry Blossom Heart" 「桜色の心」 published by Garo 「ガロ」.
1972Exhibition at Kinokuniya Gallery.
"Ghost Vision" 「あやかし幻視行」 exhibition at Fujii Daimaru in Kyoto.
1973Supervised (scenario/sript?) of "Cheek end in dream?" 「夢にほほよせ」 movie.
Screened at Art Theater Guild Scorpio (ATGさそり座) (Sasoriza)
1974"Adult Picture Show, Illusion Theater" 「おとなの紙芝居、まぼろし劇場」co-written by Shuji Terayama (寺山修司), Juurou Kara (唐十郎), Rei Nakanishi (なかにし礼) published by Tsuzuri Shobo (綴書房).
1975In charge of art direction for Lotte brand Koume 「ロッテ小梅」.
1976"Paintings of a Beautiful Heart" 「心景美人画」 art book published by Kodansha (講談社).
Awarded Bronze prize at Venice Film Festival.
Awarded special prize at Clio Awards Festival.
Domestic and International film festival prize winner at Commercial Film Festival
"Live in Flowers" 「花に棲む」 dramatized on NHK TV.
1977"The Crane Returns a Favor" 「つるのおんがえし」 with text by Chinatsu Nakayama (中山千夏) published by Takahashi Shoten (高橋書店).
1978"Fleeting Dream" 「儚夢」 woodcut illustrations produced by the Kyoto Hanga Institute 「京都版画院」.
"Seiichi Hayashi's World" 「林静一の世界」 exhibited in Shibuya Parco (and then Chiba, Gifu, and Oita).
Won Sanrio Art Award.
1979Director of illustration for stamps "Japanese Song Series - Song of the Seashore" 「日本の歌シリーズ・浜辺のうた」
"Manyou (8th c. poems) Love Songs" 「万葉恋歌」and "Continued Manyou (8th c. poems) Love Songs" 「続・万葉恋歌」 with text by Kiyokawa Tae (清川妙) published by Shufunotomo (主婦の友社).
1980Director of illustration for stamps "Japanese Song Series - Flower" 「日本の歌シリーズ・花」.
1981"Japanese Woman" 「ジャパニーズウーマン」 and "Woman's Heart" 「ウーマンズハート」 art books published by Sanrio (サンリオ).
1982"Seiichi Hayashi's World" 「林静一の世界」 published by Sanrio (サンリオ).
"Frog's Apartment" 「かえるのアパート」 picture book with text by Satou Satoru (佐藤さとる) published by Kodansha.
1983"Love Letter" 「恋文」 art book published by Sanrio (サンリオ).
"Cat's Photo Studio" book 「ねこのしゃしんかん」 with text by Miyako Moriyama (森山京) published by Kodansha.
Won 17th annual prize from Japan Sign Design Association (SDA).
1984"Sorry I Didn't Notice??" 「おるすにしつれいします」 with text by Miyako Moriyama (森山京) published by Kodansha.
"Cat's Photo Studio" awarded the Special Prize "Elba" at the Bologna International Children's Book Fair (Italy).
"The Most Gentle Flower" 「いちばん優しい花」 with text by Erika Tachihara (立原えりか) published by Kodansha.
"Cry" 「ひぐらし」 ukiyo-e (woodcut) printed by Adachi Hanga 「版画研究所」 is published by Shueisha 「集英社刊」 in "Illustrator 10" 「イラストレーター10」.
1985"Photo Studio's Merry Christmas" 「しゃしんかんのメリークリスマス」 book with text by Miyako Moriyama (森山京) published by Kodansha.
Animation exhibition at "25 Years of Japanese Experimental Film" 「日本の実験映画25年展」 held at the Saitama Prefectural Museum of Art.
1986"Comic Tom" 「コミック・トム」 comic book published based off original "The Frog's Rainboots" 「かえるのゴムぐつ」 manga by Kenji Miyazawa.
In charge of images, film, and character design for the Japan Pavilion at the 1986 World's Fair in Canada (Expo 86).
1987"Comic Tom" 「コミック・トム」 comic book published based off original "Otsuberu and the Elephant" 「オツベルと象」 manga by Kenji Miyazawa.
Animation exhibited at "Vanguard's Japan: Experimental Film Outlook 1955-77" 「前衛の日本:実験映画展望1955-77」 at Centre Pompidou in France.
"PH 4.5 Guppy will not Die" 「PH・4・5グッピーは死なない」 is published and quarterly comic book "COMICばく" and series begins.
In charge of original characters for the Asahi Shimbun (朝日新聞) production of "The Tale of Genji" 「源氏物語」 animated film by the Herald Film Company.
"The Tale of Genji" 「源氏物語」 art book is published by Asahi Shimbun (朝日新聞社).
1988"The Tale of Genji" is exhibited at "The Evolution of Anime - Japan's Current Experimental Anime" exhibition at the museum in the Yurakucho Marion Building in Ginza (銀座マリオン).
1989"Dream Painting?" 「絵夢」 solo exhibition at a gallery in Shinjuku.
Group animation exhibition at Dentsu Gallery 「電通ギャラリー」.
"a-ha" 「a・ha」 comic book and "Gloomy Momoko" 「憂欝なモモ子」 color cartoon series.
1990"The Tale of Genji" 「源氏物語」  original illustrations exhibition "Refined Compositions of the World of Painting, Writing and Flowers" (絵と書と花でつづる雅びの世界) at Ginza La Pola Gallery (銀座ラ・ポーラ).
Served as judge for the Third Hiroshima International Animation Festival.
Group animation exhibition at Dentsu Gallery 「電通ギャラリー」.
Comic magazine Garo 「ガロ」 and "PH 4.5 Guppy will not Die" 「PH・4・5グッピーは死なない」 series discontinued.
"Satstuki" 「さつき」 woodcut illustrations produced by the Kyoto Hanga Institute 「京都版画院」.
1991"The Tale of Genji and Elegant Society" 「源氏物語と雅びの世界展」 exhibition at Kichijouji Tokyu department store.
"PH 4.5 Guppy will not Die" 「PH・4・5グッピーは死なない」 book published by Seirinkogeisha (青林工芸社).
Group animation exhibition at Dentsu Gallery 「電通ギャラリー」.
Commercial film characters for Kasugai Candy's (春日井製菓) "Flower Kiss" 「花のくちづけ」 and others.
Packaging design for Kanebo (カネボウ) "Silk Soap" 「絹石鹸」.
1992"Short Cut" 「ショートカット」 art book with poetry by Amari Hayashi (林あまり) published by Sanrio (サンリオ).
"Short Cut" 「ショート・カット」 original illustrations exhibition at Ginza La Pola Gallery (銀座ラ・ポーラ)
Group exhibition with Anzai Mizumaru (安西水丸) and five artists in Roppongi (六本木).
Group animation exhibition at Dentsu Gallery 「電通ギャラリー」.
"Big Comic" 「ビッグ・ゴールド」 with different covers published by Shogakukan (小学館) series begins.
Created McDonald's drawing card.
1993?"Big Gold" 「ビッグ・ゴールド」 color cartoon in "Yumemakura" 「夢枕」 published by Shogakukan (小学館).
In charge of puppet design for "Richard III" 「リチャード三世」 at Youkiza Theatre Company (結城座). Performed at the Globe Theatre in May.
1994February- "Shadows" 「かげ」 screened at exhibition "Postwar Japan's Avant-Garde Art" at the Yokohama Museum of Art.
Illustration and cartoon courses are started at Seibu Department store's culture center.
"Ms. Momoko and Me" 「モモコさんと僕」 essay collection published by Farao Kikaku (ファラオ企画).
1995Cartoon and poster work shown at "Japanese Culture: The Fifty Post War Years" 「戦後文化の軌跡、1945-1995」 group exhibition at Meguro Museum of Art (目黒美術館) co-sponsored by Asahi Shimbun (朝日新聞)
March - Kyoto Daimaru Exhibition begins. April - Osaka Shinsaibashi Daimaru. May - Tokyo Daimaru Museum.  June - Daimaru basement and solo exhibition and tour.
July - "50 Years of Manga" 「まんが50年展」 and "Red Colored Elegy" 「赤色エレジー」 joint exhibition by Tokyo Shimbun (東京新聞) and Tokyo Chunichi Sports (東京中日スポーツ).
"Yearning for Original Scenery" 「なつかしさの原景」 one year series begun by Awanami Books (波書店) "World" 「世界」.
1996"My Food Language" 「僕の食物語」 essay is published by Froebel-Kan (フレーベル館).
1998In charge of illustrations and essays for "My Heart's Great Detective" 「わがこころの名探偵」 published by Asahi Shimbun (朝日新聞).
First family exhibition opens in Harajuku.
1999Continues with "My Heart's Great Detective" 「わがこころの名探偵」 for Asahi Shimbun (朝日新聞).
"PH 4.5 Guppy will not Die" 「PH・4・5グッピーは死なない」 revised edition published by Seirinkogeisha (青林工芸社).
2000"The Shape of Time" 「時のかたち」 essay series published by Asahi Shimbun (朝日新聞).
In charge of poster, shirt, and ticket illustrations for the Hiroshima International Animation Festival.
Second family exhibition held at Miura Gallery (みうら画廊) in Ginza.
2003Participated in "Winter Days" animated movie produced by Imagica (イマジカ). Other artists included: Yuriy Norshteyn, Kihachirō Kawamoto, Yoji Kuri, Isao Takahata, and more.
2004February - produced 30th anniversary commercial film for Lotte "Koume" brand 「ロッテ小梅」.
May - commemoration of 30th anniversary of "Koume" 「小梅ちゃん」 character created for Lotte 「ロッテ小梅」 published.
Poster for the Hiroshima International Animation Festival.
2005"Lonely After the Kiss of My Young Love" 「淋しかったからくちづけしたの」 published by Parco.
2007"Red Colored Elegy" made into an animation by Toei.
2008"Red Colored Elegy" English version published by Drawn and Quarterly.
2009Played the editor in chief of "Garo" 「ガロ」 for the movie "Miyoko Asagaya Kibun" 「美代子阿佐ヶ谷気分」. [trailer] Appears at 1:12 mark.
2010"Manyou (8th c. poems) Love Songs" 「万葉恋歌」reprinted.
Seiichi Hayashi is primarily an illustrator and continues to work as a painter. He is a member of ACFA and JILLA (Japan Illustration Association) (日本イラストレーション協会).

Translated from the dust cover of the Seiichi Hayashi book Sabishikatta Kara Kuchizuke Shitano and his website.

I spent a very long time translating all of this information so if you feel the need to quote it, borrow it, etc., please place a link back to this page.