Hikari Shimoda Artwork

Complete list of artwork by Japanese contemporary artist Hikari Shimoda.
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Titlesort icon Title (Japanese) Image Date Size (mm) Published In
Alice Hikari Shimoda - Alice 2006 420x297 ・unpublished
Angel Child 天使の子供 Hikari Shimoda - Angel Child 2007 350x450 ・unpublished
Bear くまちゃん Hikari Shimoda - Bear 2010 158x227 ・unpublished
Birthday Party お誕生日会 Hikari Shimoda - Birthday Party 2010 1030x728 Children of this Planet
Birthday Party, Ritual for Rebirth 再生の儀式〜お誕生日会〜 Hikari Shimoda - Birthday Party, Ritual for Rebirth 2011 737x927 Children of this Planet
Birthday Party, Ritual for Rebirth 再生の儀式〜お誕生日会〜 Hikari Shimoda - Birthday Party, Ritual for Rebirth 2011 327x400 ・unpublished
Blooming from the Darkness 迎春 Hikari Shimoda - Blooming from the Darkness 2007 210x297 ・unpublished
Blue Eyed Boy * 青い目の少年 Hikari Shimoda - Blue Eyed Boy * 2007 297x420 ・unpublished
Can You Hear * 聞こえますか Hikari Shimoda - Can You Hear * 2008 420x297 ・unpublished
Celebration (Midnight) セレブレーション(深夜) Hikari Shimoda - Celebration (Midnight) 2011 222x275 Painting
Celebration 1 セレブレーション1 Hikari Shimoda - Celebration 1 2011 210x297 Painting
Celebration 2 セレブレーション2 Hikari Shimoda - Celebration 2 2011 158x227 Painting
Celebration 3 セレブレーション3 Hikari Shimoda - Celebration 3 2011 210x297 Painting
Comfortable Sadness 簡単な悲しみ Hikari Shimoda - Comfortable Sadness 2010 1120x1455 Children of this Planet
Cupido Hikari Shimoda - Cupido 2008 350x450 ・unpublished
Day Where Airplane Flies ひこうきの飛ぶ日 Hikari Shimoda - Day Where Airplane Flies 2010 318x410 ・unpublished
Decaying 腐敗 Hikari Shimoda - Decaying 2010 227x158 ・unpublished
Disappearance Afterimage 消失、残像 Hikari Shimoda - Disappearance Afterimage 2011 455x530 Children of this Planet
Disappearing 消失する1 Hikari Shimoda - Disappearing 2010 455x530 Children of this Planet
Eastern Promise イースタン・プロミス Hikari Shimoda - Eastern Promise 2008 ・unpublished
Evening Shower ゆうだち Hikari Shimoda - Evening Shower 2011 227x158 ・unpublished
Experiment 2009-1 試作2009-1 Hikari Shimoda - Experiment 2009-1 2009 727x606 ・unpublished
Face 1 Hikari Shimoda - Face 1 2009 333x242 ・unpublished
Face 2 Hikari Shimoda - Face 2 2009 333x242 ・unpublished
Face 3 Hikari Shimoda - Face 3 2009 333x242 ・unpublished
Face 4 Hikari Shimoda - Face 4 2009 333x242 ・unpublished
Fading Away 2 消失する2 Hikari Shimoda - Fading Away 2 2010 455x530 Children of this Planet
Fantasize in the Night 夜に想う Hikari Shimoda - Fantasize in the Night 2010 180x140 ・unpublished
Flower and Girl 花の子 Hikari Shimoda - Flower and Girl 2009 300x300 Painting
Flowers and Boy 花と少年 Hikari Shimoda - Flowers and Boy 2009 297x420 ・unpublished
Funeral お弔い Hikari Shimoda - Funeral 2010 455x530 Painting
Funeral of character 2 キャラクターのお葬式2 Hikari Shimoda - Funeral of character 2 2010 227x158 ・unpublished
Funeral of My Character キャラクターのお葬式 Hikari Shimoda - Funeral of My Character 2010 1455x970 Painting
Children of this Planet
Funeral Ritual Play * 再生の儀式〜お葬式〜 Hikari Shimoda - Funeral Ritual Play * 2011 727x910 Children of this Planet
Girl 女の子 Hikari Shimoda - Girl 2007 350x450 ・unpublished
Girl 2 女の子2 Hikari Shimoda - Girl 2 2007 420x100 ・unpublished
Hankobaru Rising * ハンニバル・ライジング Hikari Shimoda - Hankobaru Rising * 2007 410x318 ・unpublished
Hito-chan in Beast 獣の皮をかぶったヒトちゃん Hikari Shimoda - Hito-chan in Beast 2010 1620x1303 ・unpublished
I Don't Want to Fly Hikari Shimoda - I Don't Want to Fly 2009 910x1167 ・unpublished
I Want to Be A Hero Hikari Shimoda - I Want to Be A Hero 2011 220x273 ・unpublished
I Was Hurt and Beaten 僕は負けない傷っかない、絶対 Hikari Shimoda - I Was Hurt and Beaten 2011 380x455 Painting
I'm not a Doll Hikari Shimoda - I'm not a Doll 2008 728x1030 ・unpublished
Imperial Court Painter * 宮廷画家ゴヤは見た Hikari Shimoda - Imperial Court Painter * 2009 ・unpublished
Insides Completely Crowded Out * はみ出しちゃう中身 Hikari Shimoda - Insides Completely Crowded Out * 2011 410x318 ・unpublished
JAPON Hikari Shimoda - JAPON 2007 420x280 ・unpublished
Kawaii-icon (Bandage, School uniform) 可愛い記号(包帯、制服) Hikari Shimoda - Kawaii-icon (Bandage, School uniform) 2008 380x455 ・unpublished
Kawaii-icon (Star, Blond Hair, Bandage) 可愛い記号(星、包帯、金髪) Hikari Shimoda - Kawaii-icon (Star, Blond Hair, Bandage) 2008 380x455 ・unpublished
KiraKira Black Eyes 1 Hikari Shimoda - KiraKira Black Eyes 1 2011 420x330 ・unpublished
KiraKira Black Eyes 2 Hikari Shimoda - KiraKira Black Eyes 2 2011 420x330 ・unpublished
Left Hikari Shimoda - Left 2009 606x727 ・unpublished
Little Red Riding Hood 赤ずきんちゃん Hikari Shimoda - Little Red Riding Hood 2007 350x450 ・unpublished
Lonely Evening Sun さびしいゆうひ Hikari Shimoda - Lonely Evening Sun 2009 333x455 ・unpublished
Lonely Hero ロンリー・ヒーロー Hikari Shimoda - Lonely Hero 2011 910x1167 Children of this Planet
Lonely Hero 2 ロンリー・ヒーロー2 Hikari Shimoda - Lonely Hero 2 2011 400 ∅ Children of this Planet
Lonely Hero 3 ロンリー・ヒーロー3 Hikari Shimoda - Lonely Hero 3 2011 158x227 ・unpublished
Magic That Makes Someone Happy * 誰かを幸せにする魔法 Hikari Shimoda - Magic That Makes Someone Happy * 2011 400 ∅ Children of this Planet
Magical Girl Hikari Shimoda - Magical Girl 2011 400x327 ・unpublished
Melancholy (Ennui) 憂鬱 Hikari Shimoda - Melancholy (Ennui) 2007 297x420 ・unpublished
Midnight Birthday Party お誕生日会(深夜) Hikari Shimoda - Midnight Birthday Party 2010 220x273 Painting
Children of this Planet
Momoko Hikari Shimoda - Momoko 2008 1455x970 ・unpublished
Night Museum ナイト・ミュージアム Hikari Shimoda - Night Museum 2007 410x318 ・unpublished
Now, Here I Am Hikari Shimoda - Now, Here I Am 2010 1620x1120 ・unpublished
One's Eyes まなざし Hikari Shimoda - One's Eyes 2009 652x530 ・unpublished
Only Child's Melancholies 一人っ子の憂鬱 Hikari Shimoda - Only Child's Melancholies 2009 380x455 ・unpublished
Oranda 1 Hikari Shimoda - Oranda 1 2009 227x158 ・unpublished
Oranda 2 Hikari Shimoda - Oranda 2 2009 333x242 ・unpublished
Paradise 楽園 Hikari Shimoda - Paradise 2008 297x393 ・unpublished
Paradise 2 楽園2 Hikari Shimoda - Paradise 2 2008 297x393 ・unpublished
Play Rite * 再生の儀式 Hikari Shimoda - Play Rite * 2011 180x140 ・unpublished
Play War Hikari Shimoda - Play War 2009 1000x803 ・unpublished
Power Line and Rabbit (Secret) 送電線とうさぎ(ひみつ) Hikari Shimoda - Power Line and Rabbit (Secret) 2010 158x227 Painting
Children of this Planet
Prayer 祈り Hikari Shimoda - Prayer 2010 140x180 ・unpublished
Pretend You Do Not Care * 気にしないふり Hikari Shimoda - Pretend You Do Not Care * 2011 158x227 Children of this Planet
Prince 王子様 Hikari Shimoda - Prince 2008 500x606 ・unpublished
Rabbit うさぎちゃん Hikari Shimoda - Rabbit 2010 297x210 Painting
Rabbit うさぎさん Hikari Shimoda - Rabbit 2007 210x297 ・unpublished
Rabbit Boy Hikari Shimoda - Rabbit Boy 2009 455x530 Painting
Rabbit Girl 2011 Hikari Shimoda - Rabbit Girl 2011 2011 220x273 Painting
Children of this Planet
Rabbit's Stuffed Animal Hikari Shimoda - Rabbit's Stuffed Animal 2009 727x606 ・unpublished
Right Hikari Shimoda - Right 2009 606x727 ・unpublished
Save the World Hikari Shimoda - Save the World 2011 380x455 ・unpublished
Say Anything A Hikari Shimoda - Say Anything A 2010 410x318 ・unpublished
Say Anything B Hikari Shimoda - Say Anything B 2010 410x318 ・unpublished
Secret ひみつ Hikari Shimoda - Secret 2009 380x455 ・unpublished
Self Portrait Hikari Shimoda - Self Portrait 2009 1303x1620 ・unpublished
Self Portrait 2 Hikari Shimoda - Self Portrait 2 2009 1455x970 ・unpublished
Self Portrait 3 Hikari Shimoda - Self Portrait 3 2009 1455x1120 ・unpublished
Sikko Hikari Shimoda - Sikko 2007 297x420 ・unpublished
Solitary Child 1 Hikari Shimoda - Solitary Child 1 2007 210x297 ・unpublished
Solitary Child 2 Hikari Shimoda - Solitary Child 2 2007 297x420 ・unpublished
Solitary Child 3 Hikari Shimoda - Solitary Child 3 2007 297x420 ・unpublished
Solitary Child 4 Hikari Shimoda - Solitary Child 4 2007 350x450 ・unpublished
Star Child 1 この星の子ども1 2012 455x530 Children of this Planet
Star Child 2 この星の子ども2 2012 455x530 Children of this Planet
Strawberry Panties いちごのぱんつ Hikari Shimoda - Strawberry Panties 2008 500x606 ・unpublished
Superstar スーパースター Hikari Shimoda - Superstar 2011 327x400 ・unpublished
Superstar スーパースター Hikari Shimoda - Superstar 2011 400x327 Children of this Planet
Superstar Who Saves Yourself 自分を救うスーパースターはいつもひとりぼっち Hikari Shimoda - Superstar Who Saves Yourself 2011 606x727 Children of this Planet
The Concealed One Hikari Shimoda - The Concealed One 2008 728x1030 ・unpublished
The Rabbit Girl Hikari Shimoda - The Rabbit Girl 2008 728x1030 ・unpublished
The Rabbit Girl 3 Hikari Shimoda - The Rabbit Girl 3 2008 318x410 ・unpublished
Today is Unknown In Any Other World どこかも知らない世界の今日(仮) 1620x2606 Children of this Planet
Twin 双子の女の子 Hikari Shimoda - Twin 2007 410x318 ・unpublished
Untitled Hikari Shimoda - Untitled 2010 410x318 ・unpublished
Untitled Hikari Shimoda - Untitled 2011 455x530 ・unpublished
When I Die 私が死ぬときは Hikari Shimoda - When I Die 2007 297x420 ・unpublished
Who Will Save the Magical Girl 誰が魔法少女を救うのか Hikari Shimoda - Who Will Save the Magical Girl 2011 1620x1303 Children of this Planet
Wine Label 2007 ワインラベル2007 Hikari Shimoda - Wine Label 2007 2007 210x297 ・unpublished
Zombie ゾンビちゃん Hikari Shimoda - Zombie 2010 333x242 ・unpublished
Zombie 2 ゾンビちゃん2 Hikari Shimoda - Zombie 2 2010 220x273 ・unpublished