Takato Yamamoto Artwork

Complete list of artwork by Japanese contemporary artist Takato Yamamoto.
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Title Title (Japanese) Datesort icon Size (mm) Published In
Sweet Murder 密殺 1997 300x550 Altar of Narcissus
Postcard Set 2
Afterglow of Narcissus ナルシス残照 1998 156x218 Altar of Narcissus
Coming from within Myself 私の中から出てって 1998 210x300 Altar of Narcissus
Distant Window 遠い窓 1998 500x800 Altar of Narcissus
Postcard Set 2
Fairy in a Cage 檻の中の妖精 1998 210x300 Altar of Narcissus
Girls for a Sexual Boy 性的少年のための少女たら 1998 450x300 Altar of Narcissus
Greedy Momotaro 欲張り桃太郎 1998 196x300 Altar of Narcissus
Invasion of the Wanton 淫魔襲釆 1998 800x500 Altar of Narcissus
Memory Fragment Lost on a Border 境界線上の欠落した記憶 1998 210x300 Altar of Narcissus
Metamorphosis of Love 慈愛の変容 1998 500x800 Altar of Narcissus
Order of Thing ことの次第 1998 400x280 Altar of Narcissus
Sleeping Prince of the Forest 眠れる森の王子 1998 305x210 Altar of Narcissus
The Annunciation 聖告 1998 280x400 Altar of Narcissus
Banquet under the Moon 月下の晩餐 1999 303x210 Altar of Narcissus
Black Will-o'-the-Wisp 黒い鬼火 1999 195x270 Altar of Narcissus
Blue Illusion 蒼い幻影 1999 220x400 Altar of Narcissus
Bound Woman in a Snow Storm 夢泡雪縄化粧 1999 234x234 Altar of Narcissus
Dreams of the 13 Nights 夢十三夜 1999 210x300 Altar of Narcissus
Garden of the Lovely Moon 麗月苑 1999 210x300 Altar of Narcissus
Lie of the Moon 月の虚言 1999 230x400 Altar of Narcissus
Night of the Scarlet Moon 紅月夜 1999 188x270 Altar of Narcissus
Postcard Set 2
Psychedelic Vision of Mount Fuji 富士幻眺 1999 155x270 Altar of Narcissus
Scarlet Aphrodisiac 緋色の媚薬 1999 105x270 Altar of Narcissus
The World as a Labyrinth 迷宮としての世界 1999 230x300 Altar of Narcissus
Visage under the Moon 月下の俤 1999 357x234 Altar of Narcissus
Vision of a Heretic 異端者の夢想 1999 210x300 Altar of Narcissus
Black-Gold Ring 黒金の環 2000 210x300 Altar of Narcissus
Taro of Urashima 浦島太郎 2000 184x250 Altar of Narcissus
The Toilette of Lampito ランピトーの化粧 2000 175x128 Altar of Narcissus
The Toilette of Salome サロメの化粧 2000 147x175 Altar of Narcissus
Vanitas VANITAS 2000 250x250 Altar of Narcissus
A Boy Beneath the Moon 月下少年図 2001 140x300 Altar of Narcissus
A Spirit Viewing 死霊が見ている 2001 555x305 Altar of Narcissus
Postcard Set 2
Beautiful Boys Club 美童倶楽部 2001 210x300 Altar of Narcissus
Corner Window 隅の窓 2001 300x114 Altar of Narcissus
Counterfeit Bill of the 11th Year of the Meiji Period 明治十一年の贋札 2001 170x260 Altar of Narcissus
Goat Garden 山羊の庭 2001 140x300 Altar of Narcissus
If the Moon Shines 月照れば 2001 210x300 Altar of Narcissus
Lascivious Tongued Demon 淫舌鬼 2001 280x280 Altar of Narcissus
Night Sacrifice 夜牲 2001 280x280 Altar of Narcissus
One Voice ひとつの声 2001 195x270 Altar of Narcissus
Shrine of the Ghostly Demon 幽鬼の宮 2001 392x220 Altar of Narcissus
Skull Ball 髑髏鞠 2001 285x285 Altar of Narcissus
Postcard Set 2
Snail 蝸牛 2001 210x300 Altar of Narcissus
That Wave Is So Deep その浪はありに深く 2001 220x575 Altar of Narcissus
The Beyond 彼方 2001 435x507 Altar of Narcissus
The Unwithering 朽らざるもの 2001 140x190 Altar of Narcissus
Until the Moon Sets 月の沈むまで 2001 555x305 Altar of Narcissus
Boys Club 少年倛楽部 2002 195x210 Altar of Narcissus
Raiden RAIDEN 2002 257x364 Altar of Narcissus
Raiden 雷電 2002 257x364 Altar of Narcissus