A Bud in My Heart of Hearts |
私の奥で芽吹くもの |
2007 |
210x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
A Carefree Metamorphosis |
気儘な編成 |
2008 |
210x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
A Dragon's Coffin I |
竜の柩一 |
2006 |
420x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
A Dragon's Coffin II |
竜の柩二 |
2006 |
420x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
A Dragon's Coffin III |
竜の柩三 |
2006 |
420x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
A Skeleton's Dream I |
屍骨の夢 |
2007 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
A Skeleton's Dream II |
屍骨の夢II |
2007 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
After the Night Banquet |
夜宴のあと |
2006 |
210x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Alice's Door |
アリスの扉 |
2007 |
300x400 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite ・Clear File |
Alice's Mutation |
アリスの変容 |
2007 |
210x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Androgynous |
アンドロギュノス |
2008 |
250x600 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Awakening |
目覚め |
2006 |
210x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Black Moon |
黒い月 |
2006 |
270x360 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Blessed Night |
祝福の夜 |
2006 |
180x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Blue Ribbon |
青いリボン |
2007 |
210x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Broken Nest Box |
こわれた巣箱 |
2007 |
210x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite ・Painting |
Burial Games |
埋葬のごっこ |
2006 |
330x330 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Burial of a Scarlet Rose |
紅薔薇の埋葬 |
2007 |
210x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Calling - A Voice Calling from the Darkness |
コーリング・闇からの呼び声 |
2007 |
260x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite ・Painting |
Captured |
囚われて |
2006 |
210x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Confusing and Drowning Flux of Blood |
惑い溺れしこの血潮 |
2008 |
200x400 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite ・Painting |
Deviated Pleasure Horn |
逸脱した快楽の角 |
2006 |
420x297 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
ドウズィング・グリン |
2007 |
547x355 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
During the Night |
夜のうちに |
2006 |
180x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Egg |
卵 |
2006 |
210x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Fermentation of a Hermaphrodite |
ヘルマフロディトゥスの醸成 |
2008 |
280x400 |
・Necrophantasmagoria ・Print ・Print Set ・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
For Secret Joy |
秘められた歓喜のために |
2006 |
200x400 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Ghost Diagram |
幽霊図 |
2006 |
200x400 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Giving in to Temptation |
誘われるままに |
2006 |
150x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Golden Breath |
金の息吹 |
2008 |
400x280 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Horn of a Master of Curses |
呪い師の角 |
2006 |
210x410 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite ・Poster |
In the Mist |
霞の中 |
2006 |
180x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Indestructible Night |
不滅の夜 |
2006 |
500x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Just before Collapse |
崩れゆく前に |
2006 |
300x210 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Like a Curtain of Ashes |
灰の帷のように |
2007 |
500x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite ・Poster |
Lovable Object |
愛でたきもの |
2006 |
200x400 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Manifestation |
顕現 |
2006 |
210x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Melancholia |
メランコリア |
2007 |
210x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite ・Painting |
メメント・モリ I |
2006 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
メメント・モリ II |
2006 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Night Mirror |
夜鏡 |
2007 |
310x310 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite ・Print ・Print Set |
Organic Elasticity |
有機的な弾性 |
2008 |
240x330 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Paradise Dissection |
楽園の解体 |
2008 |
300x400 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Premonition of a Metamorphosis |
再生の予兆 |
2008 |
300x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Pure Desire |
清らかな欲望 |
2006 |
180x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Red Circle |
赤い輪 |
2006 |
210x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Sacred Mutant Birth |
聖域の生成変化 |
2008 |
300x400 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Secret Metamorphosis |
密やかな転生 |
2006 |
200x400 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Shimmering Sky |
天の陽炎 |
2007 |
210x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Shot through by Moonlight |
月光に射られて |
2006 |
540x330 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Skull |
頭骸骨 |
2007 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Spirit of a Dragon |
鱗虫の精 |
2006 |
200x400 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite ・Print ・Print Set |
SYU-RA 煉 |
2006 |
280x400 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
The Ghost in Room 903 |
903号室の怪 |
2007 |
210x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
The Thirteenth Rose |
十三番目の薔薇 |
2008 |
250x180 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Touch of Magic |
魔触 |
2006 |
210x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Vampire |
吸血鬼 |
2006 |
210x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite ・Nosferatu ・Print ・Print Set |
Vampire - Awakening I |
吸血鬼 - 覚醒I |
2007 |
180x250 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Vampire - Awakening II |
吸血鬼 - 覚醒II |
2007 |
280x400 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Vampire - Clown |
吸血鬼 - 道化 |
2007 |
250x400 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Vampire - Collapse |
吸血鬼 - 崩壊 |
2007 |
180x250 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite ・Painting |
Vampire - Levitation |
吸血鬼 - 浮遊 |
2008 |
200x400 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Vampire - Melancholy |
吸血鬼 - 悲愁 |
2007 |
210x300 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Vampire - Memory |
吸血鬼 - 追憶 |
2007 |
180x250 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite ・Painting |
Vampire - Metamorphosis I |
吸血鬼 - 変容I |
2007 |
180x250 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite ・Painting |
Vampire - Metamorphosis II |
吸血鬼 - 変容II |
2007 |
280x400 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite ・Painting |
Vampire - Spellbound |
吸血鬼 - 呪縛 |
2007 |
280x400 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite |
Vampire - Temptation |
吸血鬼 - 誘惑 |
2007 |
250x400 |
・Rib of a Hermaphrodite ・Painting |