Fuyuko Matsui Becoming Friends Extended

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Extended catalog of the Fuyuko Matsui exhibition "Becoming Friends with All the Children in the World" at the Yokohama Museum of Art. Extended edition includes photos of the exhibition, additional descriptions, and six previously unpublished works (total of 113 full color, finished paintings, and black & white pencil sketches).

Bilingual (Japanese/English) introduction written by Fuyuko Matsui. Bilingual essays by Sae Yatsuyanagi (Senior Curator of Yokohama Museum of Art), Hideto Fuse (Assoc. Professor of Tokyo University of the Arts), and Satomi Yamamoto (Assoc. Professor of Kyoritsu Women's University. Bilingual list of works. Japanese detailed CV, descriptions of chief works in the exhibition, and description of Fuyuko Matsui's short film "Regeneration of a Breached Thought".

松井冬子 世界中の子と友達になれる

# of Pages:216
Size:9.375" x 9.25" x 1"
24 x 23.5 x 2.4cm
Plastic dust jacket
Paper dust jacket + obi
Date Printed:2012
Where Printed:Japan