Suehiro Maruo DDT

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Brand new comic book by Suehiro Maruo. Full title is "DDT Miminashi Hohichi in the Dark". First page is full color followed by 26 pages that are black and white and red. All other pages are black and white. Text is 100% Japanese. List of story titles.

Additional photos are available in the 2008 edition (content is the same).

($42) EU copy is SIGNED inside the front cover - specially for AkaTako!
($28) USA copy is unsigned.

丸尾末広 DDT―僕、耳なし芳一です

# of Pages:170
Size:6" x 8.25" x .675"
15 x 21 x 1.4cm
Paper dust jacket
Edition:Reissue of 1999 edition
Where Printed:Japan