Nobuyoshi Araki Tokyo Lucky Hole

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Smaller format book is packed with hundreds of pages of Araki's adventures in Kabuki-cho's adult entertainment centers between 1983 and 1985. Filled with black and white photos of Tokyo's sex shops and clubs, and the women who work there. Also contains two essays: "The Photographer between a Man and a Woman" by Akihito Yasumi and "The Lucky Hole as the Black Hole" by Akira Suei (translated in English, German, and French).

Condition: lightly used with a tiny bit of wear on corners. The binding has cracked in two or three places but the pages still hold tight.

荒木 経惟

Signed: No
# of Pages: 786 +/-
Size: 5.5" x 7.5" x 2"
14 x 19.3 x 5cm
Binding: Softcover
Date Printed: 1997
Where Printed: Germany
Publisher: Taschen