Kana Miyamoto Handkerchiefs

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Your choice of five different microfiber handkerchiefs - each with Kana Miyamoto's artwork printed on the front. Can be used for a mini towel, clean your glasses, dust surfaces, etc. Each towel measures approximately 7.8" x 7.8" (20 x 20cm) and has a solid white reverse side.

Earrings: ピアス is light blue background with a girl improvising earrings for her teddy bear.

Your Favorite Cigarette: あなたの好きなたばこ is red with two girls sharing the fire of a cigarette.

Forever and Ever: いついつまでも is light purple with a girl deeply considering a skull wearing a pansy flower garland.

Light the Fire: 火をつけて is dark blue with a girl watching a gingerbread house go up in flames.

Poor Vegetables: かわいそうな野菜 is light pink with a girl dressed as a nurse and taking care of various injured vegetables.

宮本香那 ハンカチ