Suehiro Maruo's "Little Girl Camellia" comic book follows the story of Midori - an orphaned young girl who sells flowers in the street. She is taken in by performers in a freak show but lives a life full of abuse and violence. Story was made into a 52 minute movie "Midori" by Hiroshi Harada and a live action movie "Shoujo Tsubaki" directed by TORICO. Text is 100% Japanese. List of story titles.
UNSIGNED copy. All pages are dark blue and white except for the first couple that have some red in them as well.
Condition: Brand new and near perfect.
丸尾末広 少女椿
Signed: | No |
# of Pages: | 160 |
Size: | 6" x 8.5" x .75" 15.5 x 21.6 x 1.8cm |
Binding: | Hardcover Paper dust jacket |
Edition: | Reprint of 2003 edition |
Where Printed: | Japan |