Yoshiaki Machino Margarita SIGNED

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Special boxed set of art prints and book featuring the irresistible art of Yoshiaki Machino. His red haired girls pose in surreal landscapes with an unwavering look. Book is written in Japanese and contains a few monochrome reproductions of his work as well as details of those included in the set.

Set includes one title card that is SIGNED, 16 prints with artwork, softcover book, and cardboard sleeve + white paper obi. Edition of 500 pieces.

町野好昭 画集 「マルガリテス」

# of Pages:23
Set Size:5.5" x 8.75" x .375"
14 x 22.2 x 1cm
Book Size:5.5" x 8.5" x .125"
13.9 x 21.7 x .3cm
Print Size:5.5" x 8.5"
13.9 x 21.7cm
Limited edition of 500
Date Printed:2006
Where Printed:Japan