Uziga Waita Lewd Prison Bizarre Museum SIGNED

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Manga filled with murderous sex, violent torture, a very aggressive teddy bear, a giant insect, dismemberment, and more. SIGNED inside the front cover by Uziga Waita. Little to no censorship. Title is loosely translated to English. Four full color pages with the remaining pages black and white.

Same content as Toxic Poison Bizarre Pictorial - just a different cover and publisher.

Condition: Brand new.

氏賀 Y太 淫獄猟奇館

Signed: Yes
# of Pages: 188
Size: 5.875" x 8.25" x .75"
14.7 x 21 x 1.8cm
Binding: Softcover
Paper dust jacket
Edition: First
Date Printed: 2006
Where Printed: Japan