Toshio Saeki Yumenozoki

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Bewitching cruelty, gruesome beauty, "Yumenozoki" (Glimpse of a Dream) collects over 150 works by Toshio Saeki which were originally published in SM Select between 1972 - 1984. Includes two bilingual essays (Japanese/English) by Michiko Kitamura and Jun Miura, short CV, and complete listing of artworks with original publication dates. This book is an excellent introduction to those looking to get to know Toshio Saeki's works.

Condition: nearly new/perfect. Perhaps a tiny amount of color loss to red cardboard sleeve.

佐伯俊男 夢覘

Signed: No
# of Pages: 222
Size: 6.75" x 10.5" x 1"
17.2 x 26.7 x 2.4cm
Binding: Hardcover
Cardboard sleeve
+ obi
Edition: First
Date Printed: 2014
Where Printed: Japan