Toshio Saeki Yumegakure Hebimaru

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Hardcover book with works by Toshio Saeki. I believe the title translates to "Hidden Dream Filled with Snakes". There are 109 plates of works focusing on monsters and samurai, each is named in the back of the book (Japanese only). Includes a Japanese commentary by Goro Yamamda 山田 五郎.

Unsigned. Front cover is pictured in second photo - first photo is with the translucent dust jacket. Additional images at special edition.

Condition: Very good condition with some shelf wear to the book edges. Paper dust jacket has sticker residue on back side over barcode. Plus a few other very small imperfections. Includes clear plastic dust jacket for extra protection. Book interior appears to be quite fresh and perfect!

佐伯俊男 夢隠蛇丸

Signed: No
# of Pages: 109
Size: 6.25" x 9" x .75"
16 x 23 x 2cm
Binding: Hardcover
Paper dust jacket
Edition: First
Date Printed: 2010
Where Printed: Japan