Talking Heads No. 49 Strange System

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Softcover Japanese language art magazine explores the "Strange System" (キソウ/キテレツ系) of art. Enter an eccentric and extraordinary wonderland of bizarre, surreal, and fantasy images. Includes photography, sculptures, performance art, painting and drawings. First 32 pages are full color with remaining pages black and white with more photos and interviews.

Artists featured/reviewed in this issue:
Atsushi Tani (谷敦志), Kenji Tanigami (谷神健二), Natalie Shau, John Santerineross, Kazuza Fukunaga (福長千紗), Keiko Matsumoto (桝本佳子), Hiroaki Samura x Kaoru Mori (沙村広明×森馨), Saeborg (サエボーグ), Satofoto, Kenichi Koyama (こやまけんいち), Hikari Shimoda (下田ひかり), Nori Tomizaki (富﨑NORI), butoh dance, Kenny Horie (堀江ケニー), Charles Pfahl, Buddy Nestor, Matt Hughes, Danny Malboeuf, and more.

# of Pages:240
Size:5.875" x 8.25" x .675"
14.8 x 21 x 1.5cm
Date Printed:2012
Where Printed:Japan
Publisher:Atelier Third