Talking Heads No. 23 Showa Era Ghost Visions

Permanently Sold Out

Softcover Japanese language art magazine is filled with "Showa Era Ghost Visions" (昭和幻影絵巻). Between three and six full pages devoted to EACH of some of my favorite artists: Takato Yamamoto, Toshio Saeki, Suehiro Maruo, Fuco Ueda. Articles + photos!

Artists featured/reviewed in this issue:
Takato Yamamoto (山本タカト), Toshio Saeki (佐伯俊男), Suehiro Maruo (丸尾末広), Fuco Ueda (上田風子), Kondoh Akino (近藤聡乃), Kyotaro Yanagiya (柳家喬太郎), Akio Jissoji (実相寺昭雄), Ide Akico (井手亞紀子), Yuko Tsukishiro (槻城ゆう子), Mie Fumiyama (文山未絵), etc.

Movies reviewed in this issue:
Ubume no natsu (姑獲鳥の夏), Rampo Noir, Blind Beast (盲獣), Mountain Patrol, 2046, Collateral, etc.

Signed: No
# of Pages: 176
Size: 5.875" x 8.25" x .5"
14.8 x 21 x 1.3cm
Binding: Softcover
Edition: First
Date Printed: 2005
Where Printed: Japan
Publisher: Atelier Third