Suehiro Maruo Rose Colored Monster

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Comic book by Suehiro Maruo - "Rose Colored Monster" (barairo no kaibutsu) with twelve stories starting off with Dr. Caligari, a predecessor to the Midori/Shoujo Tsubaki story, and several toilet themed stories. First 16 pages are black, red, and white. The rest are black and white. Content is exactly the same as 2006 version - just a different cover. List of story titles.

Condition: Near new/perfect!

丸尾末広 薔薇色ノ怪物

# of Pages:184
Size:5.875" x 8.25" x .675"
14.8 x 21 x 1.4cm
Paper dust jacket
Edition:Reissue of 2006 edition
Date Printed:2016
Where Printed:Japan