Namio Harukawa Garden of Domina

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UNSIGNED, brand new book of Namio Harukawa's femdom drawings. It is an illustrated story with about 80 black and white drawings. Each one has its own accompanying story (in Japanese & English) that describes what is going on in the scene.

Sample of a story: "Yoshiko liberated Horoshi from her oshiri and fastened him by his two hands to a post in the room. 'It's so sweet you're crying. I'll make you cry some more.' Completely naked, Yoshiko straddled Horoshi from above and pressed her genitals into his face. A slender man, Horoshi arched backwards like a bow...."

春川ナミオ 「ドミナの園」

# of Pages:168
Size:5.75" x 8.25" x .5"
14.6 x 21 x 1.3cm
Paper dust jacket + obi
Date Printed:2012
Where Printed:Japan
Publisher:Pot Pub Co. Ltd.