Kenichi Murata Princess of Desire

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Japanese hime ancient meaning was an awe and longing for women. It has come to mean "noble princess" but can also mean something small and cute. In Kansai region it can also refer to "lust-selling women"! Kenichi Murata meets with his models before photographing them, collaborating to discover what kind of hime they want to be. 

No censorship. Includes 77 photographs and two essays - one by Kenichi Murata and one by Kotaro Iizawa - both in Japanese, German, English, and French.

Condition: Brand new, direct from the publisher!


Signed: No
# of Pages: 84
Size: 9.75" x 12.7" x .67"
25 x 32.2 x 1.7cm
Binding: Hardcover
Paper dust jacket
Edition: First
Date Printed: 2008
Where Printed: Germany
Publisher: Edition Reuss