Junko Mizuno Flare SIGNED

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Larger sized book is filled with Junko Mizuno's sweet and scary illustrations with titles like: Anatomy Panda, Femme Fatale, Succubus Beast, The School of Witches, Playing Mother Crab, My Sweet Octopus, Mousetrap, Menstruation, Pregnancy, Kappa Lady Sakura, and MANY more.

All illustrations are full color, pages have rounded corners, and there is a bilingual (Japanese/English) profile listing books, awards, exhibitions, etc. SIGNED inside!

水野純子 フレア

# of Pages:112
Size:7.5" x 10.375" x .5"
19 x 26.3 x 1.4cm
Paper dust jacket
Date Printed:2009
Where Printed:Japan