Erotic and Fantasy Utopia

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Explore a world of erotic fantasies ranging from surrealism to magic, S&M to spanking, and much more. This is the first book in the series "Fuzoku Shiryoukan Hizouga Senshuu" (風俗資料館 秘蔵画選集1) which loosely translates to "Sex Industry Archive of Treasured Images". Artwork is by two artists: Ran Akiyoshi (秋吉巒), and Aya Shijo (四条綾).

Text is 100% Japanese. There is a 2-5 page introduction before each section but the book is mostly images. There are eight full color plates with the remaining in black and white.

# of Pages:136
Size:5.75" x 7.5" x .5"
14.6 x 18.8 x 1.3cm
Paper dust jacket + obi
Date Printed:2010
Where Printed:Japan
Publisher:Atelier Third