Frequently Asked Questions - Product Info

Yes! works directly with artists and galleries in Japan to bring you original works of art. Many of them have been reproduced as prints, posters, and in books but any item listed as an "original" is a one of a kind original created by the artist themselves.

If any item says "signed" that means that the artist themselves signed it by hand. I will never list a stamped or mechanically printed signature as "signed".

It is always possible to request! Just send an email to info [at] akatako [dot] net with the name of the artist you like and a brief description of what you are hoping for. will get in touch with the artist or their agent and let you know if it is possible and what the cost would be.

All items listed on AkaTako are in brand new, perfect condition unless otherwise stated. If an item is used, slightly damaged, or less than perfect the condition will always be explicitly described in the description.

Most of the items are purchased from galleries or publishers located in Japan. Some items are purchased directly from the artists themselves.