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Namio Harukawa and Jun Hayami Books

Just arrived, two Namio Harukawa books and one Jun Hayami book! All of the books are signed and the Jun Hayami book even has a small original drawing inside the front cover. Namio Harukawa's "Garden of Domina" is brand new; "My Fair Fat Lady" is out of print and hard to find. "Beauty Labyrinth of Razors" is Japanese language and nearly impossible to find!

Namio Harukawa Garden of Domina SIGNEDNamio Harukawa My Fair Fat Lady SIGNEDJun Hayami Beauty Labyrinth of Razors SIGNED
Namio Harukawa
Garden of Domina
Namio Harukawa
My Fair Fat Lady
Jun Hayami
Beauty Labyrinth of Razors

Click the book covers above for more information and more photos.