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Japonesthetique Has Arrived

Now in stock at both EU and USA shipping locations, Takato Yamamoto's new book "Japonesthetique". All pre-orders have already been shipped out. I'll be adding new images, descriptions, etc., soon and will just edit this text out when I'm done. :) But for now, differences!

The differences between the regular and limited edition:

Takato Yamamoto Japonesthetique Regular Edition
paper dust jacket
cream color gloss accent text
bar code on back cover
Takato Yamamoto Japonesthetique Regular Edition Book
muted purple
embossed paper board
book cover
Takato Yamamoto Japonesthetique Regular Edition Signature
signed directly
on the title page


Takato Yamamoto Japonesthetique Limited Edition
paper dust jacket
purple color gloss accent text
no bar code on back cover
Takato Yamamoto Japonesthetique Limited Edition Book
lilac purple
embossed satin fabric
book cover
Takato Yamamoto Japonesthetique Limited Edition Signature
signed & numbered
on vellum page (not present in reg. ed.)

Limited edition also states on the publishing info pages that it is a limited edition of 500 pieces.

Side by side photo of the two books (without dust jackets) to further show the contrast between Limited Edition (left) and Regular Edition (right).
Takato Yamamoto Japonesthetique Book Comparison